Keys Pressed and All Holes CoveredOboe
I II1B*D2C#3G# Eb B Bb F|A
G#1D2F3C C# Eb                  
First Octave Key The first octave key is pressed by the thumb and is used
as a vent for second-octave E through G# and for various third-octave notes. II
Second Octave Key The second octave key is a side key for the first finger
of the left hand and acts as a vent for second-octave A through C and for various
third-octave notes. III
Third Octave Key The third octave key is found near the first octave hey
on some models and is used to provide alternative fingerings for several third-octave
Hand Main Keys1
· First finger key 0
First finger Half-Hole The half-hole is an extension of the first finger
key that allows the key to be depressed while the tone hole is vented. The half-hole
is used as a vent similar to the octave keys for second-octave C#, D, and Eb.
Second finger key 3
Third finger key
Hand Trill KeysB
· B trill key The B trill key is located between the first and second
finger keys of the left hand next to the half-hole plate and is used in trilling
A# to B in the first and second octaves. D
· D trill key The D trill key is located between the first and second
finger keys of the left hand and is used for trilling C to D in the first and
second octaves. The key is doubled in the right hand. C#
· C# trill key The C# trill key is located between the second and third
finger keys of the left hand and is used for trilling C to Db in the first and
second octaves.
Hand Little Finger (Pinky) KeysG#
· G# key The G# key is the upper key in the left hand little finger key
group. It is used primarily for playing G# in the first and second octaves
and is doubled in the right hand. Eb
· Eb key The Eb key is the inner key in the left hand little finger key
group. It is used primarily for playing Eb in the first and second octaves
and is doubled in the right hand. B
· Low B key The low B key is the middle key in the left hand little finger
key group and is used primarily for playing low B. Bb
· Low Bb key The low Bb key is the outer key in the left hand little finger
key group and is used primarily for playing low Bb. Some student models lack this
key. F
· F key The F key is the key situated on top of the other four little
finger keys on some models. The key is doubled on the right hand and is used to
play first- and second-octave F.
Hand Main Keys1
· First finger key 2
· Second finger key 3
First finger key
Hand Side KeysA
· A key The A key is the upper right hand side key. It is used primarily
as a trill key for G#-A and Ab-Bb in the first and second octaves. G#
· G# key The G# key is the lower right hand side key. It is used
primarily for trills involving G# in the first and second octaves and is doubled
in the left hand.
Hand Trill KeysD
· D trill key The D trill key is located between the first and second
finger keys of the right hand and is used for trilling C to D in the first and
second octaves. The key is doubled in the left hand. F
· F key The F key is located between the second and third fingers keys
of the right hand and is used in the primary fingering for first- and second-octave
F. c
· Alternate C (banana) key The banana key is located next to the third
finger key of the right hand and is used as an alternate to the little finger
key for C to avoid sliding the little finger. The banana key is shown above the
third fingering hole in the pictoral fingerings.
Hand Little Finger (Pinky) KeysC
· Low C key This is the upper key in the right hand little finger key
group and is used primarily for playing low C. C#
· Low C# key This is the middle key in the right hand little finger key
group and is used primarily for playing low C#. Eb
· Low Eb key This is the lower key in the right hand little finger key
group and is used primarily for playing low Eb.
Keys and Venting 1
: Depress index finger key ring and cover tone hole. 2
: Depress middle finger key ring and cover tone hole. 3
: Depress ring finger key ring and cover tone hole. -
: Leave tone hole open and key ring not depressed. 0
: Depress key ring but leave tone hole uncovered.
separates left hand keys from right hand keys.
Keys to be trilled are indicated in red boldface text
and by red key images (e.g.,   ).
For a fingering involving more than one trilled key, the trilled keys are to be
trilled simultaneously unless specified as alternating in the fingering description.
Alternating trill keys are also indicated by a combination of red
boldface text and red boldface italic text.